Northeast KS Area Agency on Aging Doniphan County

Specific Need

We are currently raising funds to support the construction of a multi-use aging services/community facility. This facility will provide services throughout our seven county service area of Doniphan, Brown, Nemaha, Jackson, Atchison, Marshall, and Washington.

Through this innovative “single point of entry” building project, our agency will have the capacity to provide individuals of all ages and abilities greater access to a comprehensive system of services necessary for increased independence, health, and well-being. 

This facility will include:

-Administrative offices for senior services and disability resources

-Public transit hub for all ages and a variety of destinations including Topeka, St. Joe, and K.C.

-Community café (congregate meal site) for seniors and individuals of all ages 

-Education/technology center for all ages and abilities

-Recreation/activities area for seniors and all ages


Northeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging assists individuals in living independently in their homes and communities, maintaining their independence, quality of life and dignity, for as long as possible.


Northeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging offers the following services:


Information and Assistance


· NEKAAA personnel will assist individuals and their families in locating resources in their communities to meet his/her needs.


 Case Management


· Case management is a process of identifying a person’s needs and locating, coordinating and monitoring services to match those needs.

· Case Management enables the efficient  use of community based resources, health and social supports, with the overall goal of meeting a person’s needs to promote his/her functional independence.

· Case management helps individuals remain in their home and prevent premature long-term care facility placement.


In-Home Services  


In-home service programs are available to assist individuals maintain their independence and reduce the need for long-term care facility placement. The focus is on individuals remaining in a community setting of their choice. In-home services include attendant care, homemaker, lifeline, home-delivered meals and a variety of other services based on eligibility. 


· Attendant Care includes such items as bathing, dressing, mobility and medication management.

· Homemaker includes housekeeping and laundry.

· Lifeline is a personal emergency response device which a person is able to activate if they fall or are too ill to call for help.

· Home-delivered meals are hot, nutritious, balanced meals       delivered to the home.

· Other services based on eligibility.


Senior Care Act (SCA)


· The SCA program is for individuals who are age 60 and over.

· This program has a sliding fee scale based on the person’s income/assets. SCA funds homemaker, attendant care, lifeline, and case management.

· The eligibility for this program is based on risk factors and functionality.


General Public Transportation


Currently public transportation is offered in Atchison, Brown, Doniphan, Jackson,  Marshall and Nemaha counties. Fees are based on a "pay as you ride" system. Contact the county where you reside for hours, rates and other information.


Older Americans Act (OAA)


· The OAA program is for individuals age 60 and over.

· A voluntary donation is encouraged.

· The program funds case management  attendant care, homemaker services, lifeline congregate and home-delivered meals.

· The eligibility for this program is based on risk factors and functionality.

· The focus is on the low-income and minority population.


Legal Services


· Kansas Legal Services provides civil legal
advice and representation at no cost or at
reduced fees to income eligible individuals.


Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)


· The ADRC is a trusted source of information where people of all ages, abilities and income levels-and their caregivers can go to obtain assistance in planning for their future long-term service and support needs. Local Options Counseling is also available.


 Northeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging


· NEKAAA is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions made to our agency are tax
deductible and used to meet the needs of
individuals in our seven county area.
NEKAAA is a community based non-profit, not a government agency.


Client Assessment, Referral & Evaluation


· Everyone admitted into a long-term care facility from any type of community based living must have a CARE assessment prior to admission. The assessment is a personal interview with the individual (their family member or other care-givers) to evaluate health and functional abilities. Hospital personnel,   NEKAAA staff or contractors perform the assessment.

National Family Caregiver Support Program


The NFCSP offers a range of services to support family caregivers as follows:


     · Information to caregivers about available

· Assistance to caregivers in gaining access to the services

      · Respite care

      · Supplemental services, on a limited basis


Senior Health Insurance Counseling for
Kansans (SHICK)


· SHICK offers Kansans an opportunity to ask, non-biased, NEKAAA trained staff  and volunteers questions about Medicare.
Counseling, assistance and advocacy, relating to Medicare, private health insurance and related health coverage plans,  are available.


· NEKAAA staff and volunteers provide assistance in applying for Medicare’s     Prescription Drug Coverage. They assist with applications for “extra help” for Individuals with limited income and resources. Extra help pays for some Medicare prescription drug costs.  Information regarding patient assistance programs is also available.




· Congregate and home-delivered meals are
available. Eligibility and participation varies
by county.


Health Promotion & Disease Prevention


· Educational programs, medication management and health screenings are available to promote healthy lifestyles.




· A quarterly newsletter provides news and
information on a variety of topics of interest.


Administrative Case Management

The Administrative Case Manager (ACM) shall  assist the consumer in obtaining the required   documentation to support initial programmatic   eligibility for the Frail Elderly (FE), Brain Injury (BI), and Physical Disability (PD) waivers and the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) program. The contractor shall also assist the consumer in obtaining supporting documentation for crisis requests for the applicable waivers that have waiting lists now or in the future.



$657.61 received
in 6 gifts


1803 Oregon Street
Hiawatha, KS 66434
Phone: (785) 742-7152

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